Arteaga Castle

Eugenio Bonaparte, daughter of Emperor Napoleon III, was named a native Basque (1856) and his wife, Eugenia de Montijo, as owner of the Arteaga site and decided to recover the deteriorated castle in appreciation of this honour. The outdoor walls remain of the old tower. Thus, a Neomedieval palace was built and a Neogothic tower inspired by French Gothic architecture. It has now been turned into a hotel and restaurant.

Castillo Arteaga

Santa María Parish Church

It was founded in the 12th century and rebuilt and extended in 1620. It consists of three domes supported by four pillars, five altars, tomb of the patron saint, purple marble door, front tower and gate at its south side.

Santa María Arteaga

San Lorenzo Hermitage

Situated in the neighbourhood of Isla Bekoa, this 16th century hermitage houses within its walls an 11th century Pre-Romanesque window carved in a single block of stone. On the exterior, a stone altar is witness to the importance that hermitages had in ancient times as a community meeting place or to celebrate festivals. From here you will enjoy amazing views of Urdaibai ria.

Urdaibai Bird Center

Urdaibai Bird Center is a great living museum of nature that is open to the public to enjoy the world of birds and their migrations. The equipment is a unique observatory of the tideland.

Bird Center