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  • Euskadi’s only biosphere reserve.
  • The first protected space to be certified as a sustainable tourist destination (ECST) The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas.

Urdaibai, in the district of Busturialdea, is Euskadi’s only biosphere reserve and is the first protected space to be certified as a sustainable tourist destination.

Only 30 minutes from Bilbao, it is a top eco-tourism destination on the Cantabrian coast.

At its heart lies the river Oka, whose estuary, where it flows into the Cantabrian sea, offers a spectacle that teems with life: 23,000 hectares with a wide variety of landscapes resulting from centuries of balanced co-existence between nature and the 22 towns in the area. This territory is here for those who value and respect the natural and cultural heritage of the areas that they visit.

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