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Visiting the different neighbourhoods, spread out over wide open fields and green mountains, is the best way to discover the nature, history, and cultural legacy of this town.

The medieval baserris in the Unda neighbourhood, the emblematic Muxica tower-house (16th century), and the beautiful Romanesque San Román hermitage (11th century), a magnificent example of rural religious architecture, all deserve a visit.

In Maume, the good condition of the old medieval cobblestone paving, (the oldest known in Biscay), and the Baroque San Lorenzo hermitage, are highlights.

The monumental holm oak of Urkieta, a unique protected tree with a wide crown approximately 26 m across, is interesting.


  • Church of San Vicente Mártir
  • Muxika Tower-House
  • San Román Hermitage
  • Urkieta Holm Oak
  • San Pedro and San Pablo de Ibarruri Hermitage
  • Magunas Gate Astoagana Medieval Cobblestones